About This Directory

Geothermal-Directory.com is being developed & maintained to bring this exciting technology to the attention of the public.

Today, just a tiny portion of new construction employs the use of geothermal heating & cooling; we may be turning the corner on this situation however, as skyrocketing energy costs place pressure on the marketplace to bring energy efficiency and alternative energy into the mix in a big way.geothermal-heating-and-cooliing

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Who We Are

Alison Banister, netgenus solutions inc.

Alison Banister, netgenus solutions & “GeoEvangelist”

Entirely owned and operated by netgenus solutions, and with inspiration, input, and education from associates in the business, the Geothermal-Directory.com has been up and running since 2006 and this year we are ramping up to include in-depth company profiles, company advertising, expert advice, and more user engagement in general – stay posted!

If you are a company providing geothermal services and would like to participate on the site, let us know and we will contact you promptly regarding sponsored links, listings, & advertising spots.

Feel free to send along your comments, inquiries, requests & suggestions – tell your friends and associates – let’s bring this useful technology to the mainstream!