GOV-MONITORGreat GeoNews for British Columbia, Canada

The Government of Canada and likewise the various Provincial Governments, seem to vacillate between offering generous programs and then seemingly rescinding them for the most part.

With the recent financial free-for-all in Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Olympics officially over and done, it is a nice surprise for those in the geothermal industry to see some tangible commitment on the part of government to cutting edge environmental/conservationist technologies via Canada’s Economic Action Plan

We are deeply appreciative of the contributions made by the federal and provincial governments to the capital renewal of BCIT,” said Don Wright, president of BCIT. “This investment will enhance our continuing contribution to the economic, social and environmental prosperity of B.C.”

The new construction is targeted to be registered as a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold project. Some of the environmental features include: use of enhanced daylight capture technology, energy efficient heat pumps technology – geo-exchange system plus extensive heat recovery, energy efficient lighting and equipment, use of recycled material and use of a micro-electrical grid.